The little park at Heritage at Old Town on Saturday, Dec. 9, has a bench and bushes covered in a layer of snow.
Candy canes, Christmas cookies,
And a gingerbread house too,
Beautiful sights, for it’s Christmas.
Family fun with a task or two,
The beauty of Christmas decorations
Throughout the house
And a plate full with cookies and,
Of course, a glass of milk.
Home for the holidays
And the brightness of joy
Baking and cooking and,
Of course, a little shopping gift
Or two and dining out.
Families and all, out and about,
Fun in the snow.
Poinsettia and bright lights
Throughout the city
Snow-glazed tree branches
Like lace of cotton
And stars far away
And the sparkle of a child's eyes.
Young and old, young at heart,
It's Christmas.
Wishing a Merry Christmas to all of our veterans.