Children assist Devin Johnson during the “Tall Ships and Pirate Tails” performance at Reston Regional Library on July 6. Photo by Celia Causey/The Connection
For participants in the Fairfax County Public Library’s Summer Reading Adventure, reading doesn’t have to be a purely vicarious adventure. Once a certain number of books have been read, participants will be awarded a coupon booklet which they may use to facilitate real-life summer adventures of their own.
Although coupons might seem like a lackluster reward, Reston Regional Library’s Branch Manager Katilyn Miller said, “Getting kids excited about a coupon booklet sounds difficult until you realize that there’s a waterpark on there.”
So far, the prospect of receiving a double helping of adventure has enticed 7,731 children in Fairfax County who registered online. Of the 369 online-registered participants specifically connected with Reston Regional, 41 determined children have become eligible to receive their much-anticipated coupon booklet.
The Summer Reading Adventure (June 23-Sept. 2) accepts a wide range of children, from Pre-K through grade 12. According to a handout for the reading program: “Preschoolers through third graders read 15 books. Fourth through sixth graders read 10 books. Children can have books read to them…Students in grades 7-12 read five books.”
For children who already read quite often, reading 15 books in a summer can be a cinch, but for those who might feel more overwhelmed than overjoyed at the thought, Miller suggests taking advantage of the “reading lists (for all ages) [available at the library] should anyone need some recomendations. They’re actually just of authors, rather than specific titles … otherwise there’s just a whole range of possible options.”
For those who wish to communicate their love of reading through artistic expression, the Teen Cover Art Contest might be just up their alley. Young adults (grades 7-12) are encouraged to create cover art for a book of their choice and submit their attempt by Aug. 5. If the chance of being awarded an Amazon gift card isn’t already enough of a motivator, “Winning artwork will be featured on bookmarks available in library branches during Teen Read Week (Oct. 8-14.),” according to the contest’s flier.
FREE EVENTS FOR CHILDREN cater to a variety of age groups. One such program making the rounds is “Tall Ships and Pirate Tales,” which visited with children at Reston Regional Library on July 6. Over a dozen children attended the event, proving themselves eager assistants to Scienceteller Devin Johnson. Events will continue through August.
For those whose childhood is behind them, there are plenty of events which should keep them as entertained as younger library patrons. For instance, film buffs might want to attend the “Reston Summer Movie Series: Musicals” event held at Reston Regional Library on Aug. 26.
If books are the preferred medium, readers may consider taking part in the Millennial Book Club or Wednesday Morning Book Club, next meeting Aug. 3 and July 12 respectively, also at Reston Regional Library. Additionally, ESL classes and computer training sessions are two ways for adults to gain skills which will last a lifetime. All these suggested activities and events have the bonus of being entirely free.