A sure sign of spring, pansies in a variety of colors are lined up at Potomac Petals and Plants on River Road. Photo by Peggy McEwan
Spring arrived officially on Monday at 6:28 a.m. The temperature was below freezing in many parts of the area at that time. Some days this week will seem like spring, some not.
Whether waiting for spring to arrive or welcoming the season as it is already, here is a list of things to do in and around Potomac to help fight off the winter doldrums.
For 28 years, students at Winston Churchill High School, 11300 Gainsborough Road, have wowed audiences with song and dance taken from today’s top 40 and favorite classic rock songs.
This year will be no exception. “Blast 28 Infinity” opens Friday, March 24 at 7:30 p.m. followed by performances Saturday, March 25, Friday, March 31 and Saturday, April 1 all at 7:30 p.m. and a final performance Sunday, April 2 at 2:30 p.m.
Tickets are $20, $15, for students. They may be purchased at the box office one hour before performances or online at www.wchsarts.com.
Potomac Library, 10101 Glenolden Drive, hosts a book club on the third Wednesday of every month at 1 p.m. Get reading for the April 19 discussion of “The Pearl That Broke Its Shell” by Potomac author Nadia Hashimi.
The book is described as “A tender and beautiful family story … A portrait of Afghanistan in all its perplexing, enigmatic glory, and a mirror into the still ongoing struggles of Afghan women,” by Khaled Hosseini, author of “The Kite Runner.”
Books are available at the registration desk. Call 240-777-0690 for more information.
“Doing good for others is not a duty, it is a joy, for it increases your own health and happiness,” a quote from Zoroaster.
What better time than now to increase health and happiness while helping another?
EveryMind, formerly the Mental Health Association of Montgomery County, is an independent, nonprofit organization working towards mental health and wellness for all, is looking for volunteers.
The organization has several opportunities available: become a supportive listener, help with community referrals for those in need or train to help with the suicide prevention hotline.
Training is provided with new courses offered every month.
For more information call 301-424-0656 ext. 541, email volunteer@every-mind.org or visit www.Every-Mind.org.
The Olmstead Island bridge and walk to the Falls Overlook at the C&O National Historical Park at Great Falls is closed for repair until the end of June, but there are many other hikes to take in the park.
Visitors are encouraged to explore the River Trail, Goldmine Trail or the Overlook Trail, said Pete Peterson, supervisory manager of the park’s Palisades Area, which includes Great Falls.
Maps of all the park’s trails are available at the information desk in the Great Falls Tavern.
Just a short walk from the parking lot, the Tavern will host a talk about the women who worked on the canal at 2 p.m. Saturday, March 25.
On Sunday, March 26 a canal volunteer will lead a bike tour to the Seneca Quarry beginning at the Tavern at 9:30 a.m.
Perk up your life with colorful plants and flowers. It’s not too early to plant pansies, hellebores or primrose outside according to Greg King, assistant general manager at Potomac Petals and Plants, 9545 River Road.
Also in stock are many other plants including bright red and pink geraniums and English Daisies, hardy vegetables, even strawberry plants.
It is too early to put most plants outside, King said, but people are asking for them so they are available.
“I bet nobody has English Daisies within a hundred miles,” he said. “They come in red, white and pink and bloom throughout the summer.”
New to Potomac Petals and Plants, King said he looks for unusual plants, working to offer a better selection than any other garden center in the area. He is a trained horticulturist and plant diagnostician. He can help identify diseases or insects on plants and grass.
“Just bring in a leaf,” he said.
If it’s too cold to think about planting, just a walk through the center gives a colorful, sweet smelling hint of things to come.
For more information, call 301-765-7670.