From left: Colonel William Grayson Chapter Vice President Barry Schwoerer, Gabriella Lucchetti and her mother Karen Lucchetti.
Gabriella Lucchetti, a junior at Bishop O’Connell High School, won first place in the Joseph S. Rumbaugh Oration Contest sponsored by the Colonel William Grayson Chapter, Virginia Society Sons of the American Revolution (VASSAR). She received a $100 check, a National Society SAR Oration bronze medal, and a certificate.
Gabriella also won third place in the Virginia SAR statewide oration contest. She competed against contestants representing 27 chapters throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia. She was recently selected to represent VASSAR at the National Society SAR Oration Contest at the SAR National Congress in Houston, Texas in July 2018.
The topic of her oration was “The Green Mountain Boys,” the story of a Vermont Militia unit commanded by Ethan Allen, and their relationship with General Benedict Arnold, soon to be a turncoat. The oration examines the role of The Green Mountain Boys in the capture of Fort Ticonderoga and eventual success of the Revolutionaries to stop a British invasion from Canada.