A WFCM food drive held last year outside the Giant food store in Centrewood Plaza. Pictured are volunteers from Centreville United Methodist Church; their efforts were spearheaded by Chris and Patricia Granberg and their daughters, Caitlyn and Abby. Photo Courtesy of Jennie Bush
Western Fairfax Christian Ministries (WFCM) is organizing a community-wide food drive to help replenish and restock its food pantry, which serves hungry individuals and families in western Fairfax County.
Keeping the pantry shelves stocked during the summer months is always a challenge. And it’s also critically important because that’s when children eligible for free and reduced-price meals at school are on summer vacation and may well go hungry, if not for help from WFCM’s food pantry.
Additionally, with many regular donors also on vacation during the summer, food-pantry donations drop during this heavy-use time. So WFCM needs the community’s help to serve those struggling with food insecurity.
People may do so by shopping and contributing food and monetary donations at three Stock the Shelves events, on Saturday, July 21, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Food drives will be held at the Giant grocery store, 14125 St Germain Drive, Centreville; Walmart, 4368 Chantilly Shopping Center Drive, Chantilly; and Giant, 13330 Franklin Farm Road, Herndon.
At each location, volunteers will distribute a list of the most-needed food and personal-care items to encourage shoppers to purchase what’s especially needed to restock WFCM’s pantry shelves.
Some of the items most needed include: Canned fruit, canned meats, rice, dry or canned beans, oatmeal or cereal, cooking oil, sugar, juice boxes, dry pasta and sauce, and canned vegetables (other than green beans). Personal-hygiene items are also needed – and clients are unable to purchase them with food stamps. They are: Small dish soap, laundry detergent, soap, shampoo, toothpaste, deodorant, diapers (sizes 4, 5 and 6) and feminine-care items.
Volunteers are needed to help with the food collection at the various locations. Duties will include handing out flyers, collecting donations from customers, and weighing, sorting and organizing the food items. In addition, volunteers are also needed between 3-6 p.m. at WFCM’s food pantry, 4511 Daly Drive, Chantilly, to receive whatever food is donated that day.
“This is a wonderful event for the entire family, and — with parental supervision — children of all ages are welcome to lend a hand,” said WFCM Community Outreach Manager Jennie Bush. “It’s also a great opportunity for children and youth who require service hours for middle or high school.”
To volunteer, contact her at jbush@wfcmva.org or 703-988-9656, ext. 107. Those who’d like to help, but are unable to attend in person, may send checks payable to WFCM to: WFCM, attn.: Stock Our Shelves, P.O. Box 220802, Chantilly, VA 20153. Added Bush: “WFCM is grateful for our community’s generosity and support.”