Shawn Solhjou, Reston: "I always vote. I feel it is a responsibility.” Perri Solhjou, Reston: "I want to impact change. It's my civic duty to vote.” Photo by Mercia Hobson.
The Connection headed to one of the Reston polls early on the morning of the Nov. 6, 2018 Midterm Election featuring state candidates for the United States Senate and Member of the House of Representatives 11th District. With an apparent strong early turnout at the Reston Community Center polling station, the Connection spoke with voters, Fairfax County Officers of Election and party representatives to gain their insights on why they were there that day and any other comments they'd like to share.
At the time The Connection visited the polling station only representatives for the Democratic Ballot were outside the site and available for comment. One of the many comments received from voters came from Hannah Wells, who although she did not wish to be photographed, said “I’d like to see some positive change following the 2016 election.”