(Bottom row, second left) Doris Fisher Irwin is founder of the Scholarship Fund and the former Great Falls Woman’s Club. Founding members and past presidents (bottom row, first left) Jan Lucca and Donna Anderson (top row fourth left). Photo contributed
Great Falls Friends and Neighbors Scholarship Fund announced the creation of the Doris Fisher Irwin Endowment, inspired by their founder and funded through a 2019 bequest by her husband George. Knowing how dedicated Irwin was to the scholarship program and wanting to carry her legacy forward, the Great Falls Friends and Neighbors board allocated the money to the Scholarship Fund.
Irwin started the fund out of a personal passion and dedication to support students who wanted to further their academic journeys. With the bequest, Irwin’s legacy to education and supporting local students will continue. The endowment program meets the goals of the organization’s mission to help women achieve their academic goals. Each year, the fund will grant at least one stand-alone scholarship in Irwin's name, to support students who are part of the George Mason University ADVANCE program. It is designed for students transferring from Northern Virginia Community College to GMU to complete their bachelor’s degree and provides targeted, personalized support.
Current board members of the Great Falls Friends and Neighbors Scholarship Fund are incredibly thankful to Irwin and her family. Information and how to apply can be found on the organization’s website.