All results / Stories / Shirley Ruhe

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Everyone Loves a Good Parade in Arlington

Police cycles lead the parade down Four Mile Run Drive with antique cars wedged in the middle and two Arlington County fire engines, with sirens blaring, bookending the rear.

Around Arlington

Five New Voting Sites—The Arlington County Board approved five satellite offices for early voting in the Nov. 3 Presidential election in order to offer more opportunities for voting during the coronavirus pandemic.

Don’t Rain on This Parade in Arlington

It’s on. It’s off. It’s on. It’s raining.

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Alexandrians Sit on Edge of Eviction

Unemployment crisis due to coronavirus leaves families in jeopardy.

The impact of the coronavirus with loss of income has led to a roller coaster for many Alexandria families who have fallen behind on their rent.

The Struggle Continues

Wexler’s book lays out her dilemma with feminism vs. the Catholic Church.


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Children Give and They Receive in Arlington

Residents contribute to the Fill the Cruiser Holiday Toy Drive.


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Run, Throw or Dive and Use Your Brain in NVSO

Northern Virginia Senior Olympics returns Sept. 15.

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From Written Word to Visual Art in Arlington

At FOHTA Gallery: From One Hand To Another

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Never Too Early to Prepare for Senior Olympics

New this year: canasta, croquet and beach ball wallyball.

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Teens Tackle Poverty Close To Home

Catholic Diocese of Arlington sends 820 teen volunteers.

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Lessons from a Retired Arlington Teacher

Experiencing changes in teaching