'Tomorrow's Leaders' Presented

'Tomorrow's Leaders' Presented

The Reston chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. held its Cotillion and Beautillion last Saturday night.

Forty young African American men and women from across the region were presented before their family members and dignitaries Saturday night in a formal Cotillion and Beautillion ceremony.

The presentation ceremony, hosted by the Reston chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc., raised funds for African American college scholarships and marked the symbolic passage into adulthood for the teenagers.

"They're all people with a wonderful opportunity because this world is open to them," said U.S. Secretary of Education Rod Paige, who attended the black tie event at the Reston Hyatt Regency.

Following dinner, the teenagers walked across the stage before the audience and were given ceremonial flowers and kinte cloths.

Del Walters and Debbi Jarvis, both former Washington, D.C. television reporters, read each teenager's accomplishments and goals while honorees curtsied and bowed on stage before the audience.

"They truly represent our young and our finest," Walters said.