Thomas Jefferson Gets ‘Inspected’

Thomas Jefferson Gets ‘Inspected’

Bribery, mistaken identity, and romantic entanglements — debauchery reigns supreme in Gogol's classic “The Inspector General,” performed by Thomas Jefferson High School Drama. This comedy of errors takes place in a provincial town in czarist Russia.

The bumbling townspeople are expecting the arrival of an inspector general from Moscow sent to survey the town.  When the penniless Ivan Khlestekov, played by Macs Smith, stumbles upon the village, he is immediately mistaken for this powerful official. Eager to impress, the town showers him with money and women. Khlestekov, pleasantly confused, happily accepts their bribes.

Mayhem and hilarity ensue as Khlestekov interacts with this motley crew, led by the corrupt Mayor (Jeewon Kim). The mayor's wife and daughter (Nora Diamond and Lindsey Doane) bicker over Khlestekov's affections. Landowners Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky (Brad Wergley and John Goodwin) provide a dose of slapstick comedy. This Russian favorite is full of social commentary on corruption and class struggle but it will keep the audience laughing.