Local PUT Fund-raisers

Local PUT Fund-raisers

On Thursday, April 26, Glory Days Grill — at 13850 Braddock Road in the Old Centreville Crossing Shopping Center — will host a Bartenders Night from 6-9 p.m. Kevin Whalen and other PUT riders will tend bar and receive donations in tip buckets.

A football signed by the entire Washington Redskins team will be raffled off, along with Redskins and Washington Nationals sports jerseys and a Kentucky Derby-themed gift basket. In addition, Glory Days will donate 10 percent from the proceeds of all meals it serves that whole day.

  • On Saturday, April 28, from noon-3 p.m., a document shredding will be held in the Glory Days parking lot. Cost is $10 per any size box/bag of documents, staples, folders, credit cards or mail. Items will be shredded on the spot in minutes by TrueShred. Participants will receive tax receipts, coupons for Glory Days Grill appetizers and blue ribbons to tie on their car to show support for law enforcement.