Letter: Court Case: Inspiring Effort

Letter: Court Case: Inspiring Effort

The following open letter was addressed to Celeste Peterson.

I just read the article in The Centre View ["Virginia Tech Found Culpable"] about your court case involving Virginia Tech and the series of events that took place in December, 2011. I could not be more impressed and supportive of your efforts.

As a father of three young daughters and the school counselor at Centreville Elementary School, I believe the way you're dealing with such a tragedy is an excellent example of fighting for what is right.

I also commend The Centre View for giving this story the prominence (front page) it deserves, rather than the all too often negative cover stories that appear in most publications. Most of our front page news stories are focused on crimes, war, death, natural disasters, poor character judgment, etc. While the circumstances from which this story derived are devastating, the message is a positive one. I believe we all have a responsibility to our community and to our children to do what we feel is right for the greater good and do so in a respectful and responsible manner. I’m hopeful that the day will come when our front page news is about community service, people demonstrating positive character, stories of individuals and families helping those less fortunate, etc.

Cheers to focusing on the positive!

Lee R. Kaiser