Letter: ‘Works Sunday 2013’ Thanks the Community

Letter: ‘Works Sunday 2013’ Thanks the Community

To the Editor:

I am writing today on behalf of the 19 local faith communities participating in “Works Sunday 2013” to convey our sincere thanks to the people of Herndon, Oak Hill and Reston for their generous support. Although it seems hard to believe, it has been 18 years since the first “Works Sunday”—years during which their response to this unique day of charitable service and giving has only grown stronger. We on the “Works Sunday 2013” Steering Committee are profoundly grateful for their kindness and commitment, as are the many people who will benefit from their efforts and largesse.

As in years past, last weekend saw an outpouring of goodwill in our community, as dozens upon dozens of “Works Sunday” volunteers came out to offer a helping hand and a welcoming smile to our neighbors in need. The 21 projects of the “Works Sunday 2013” program, brought to life by their efforts, directly helped (or will help) the hungry, the homeless, and the hurting in our midst. For their selfless donation of time and energy in furtherance of this cause, we thank our wonderful volunteers most sincerely. 

It must be said, however, that the impact of their efforts would have been far less, were it not for the record-setting generosity of the residents of Reston, Herndon and Oak Hill. It was you, our neighbors, who donated the food so badly needed by the Emergency Pantry of Cornerstones (formerly “Reston Interfaith”) and those whom it serves. It was you, our neighbors, who gave hundreds of essential personal items for the residents of the Embry Rucker Shelter, and the children at the Laurel Learning Center. And it was you, our neighbors, who dropped off the coats and gloves and scarves and hats that will keep the guests of local hypothermia shelters warm this winter. 

In short, it was you, our neighbors, who made “Works Sunday” a joyful, caring and compassionate event celebrating the common humanity and vibrant diversity of our communities. And so, we of the committee wish to publicly thank all those who gave so freely of their time, talent and treasure to make this year’s “Works Sunday” the major success that it was.

To all of you—and to the many local merchants who allowed us to approach them via public events at their stores——the 2013 “Works Sunday” Committee is forever grateful. During the coming year, may we all continue to respond in like manner to the spiritual and material needs that we encounter day by day. And as we have said so often in the past—may we meet once again at next year’s “Works Sunday” event!

Wishing God’s blessings upon all,

Christopher Wist

St. Thomas à Becket Catholic Church

Chairman, “Works Sunday 2013” Steering Committee