Lorton Scout Receives National Recognition

Lorton Scout Receives National Recognition

Pictured, from left, Byron Ing, unit commissioner, Old Dominion District; James Hughes (senior), Ike's father; Diana Hughes, Ike's mother; James "Ike" Hughes, the award recipient; Ben Akins, Pack 2000 cubmaster; Steve Waugh, Pack 2000 Webelos den leader, and Jim Stewart, district commissioner, Old Dominion District.

Pictured, from left, Byron Ing, unit commissioner, Old Dominion District; James Hughes (senior), Ike's father; Diana Hughes, Ike's mother; James "Ike" Hughes, the award recipient; Ben Akins, Pack 2000 cubmaster; Steve Waugh, Pack 2000 Webelos den leader, and Jim Stewart, district commissioner, Old Dominion District. Photo contributed

The Boy Scouts of America presented the National Certificate of Merit to Lorton resident James "Ike" Hughes, 9. Ike, who attends Halley Elementary school as a fourth grader, was instrumental in saving his father’s life this past summer. He quickly recognized what turned out to be early symptoms of a heart attack, and was able to use his Cub Scout training gained over the three previous years of scouting. Ike remained calm, assessed the situation and got help.

The presentation was given at the monthly Pack 2000 meeting held at Halley Elementary school on Sept. 5, by Jim Stewart, Boy Scouts district commissioner for the Old Dominion District. Accompanying the presentation was the area's Unit Commissioner Byron Ing.