Letter: Cranky Outliers

Letter: Cranky Outliers

To the Editor:

Over the years that the waterfront plan has been super-sized and pushed through, Mayor Euille has consistently downgraded anyone with different ideas. He and his allies on the council have successfully framed those with views and motivations other than theirs as cranky outliers. This turned a public discussion with serious input from some of our most caring and knowledgeable residents into a lopsided, personal, grudge match.

Why not serve the people who will be impacted the most, and those throughout the city who agree with them? Ugly warehouses once blocked out the sun here. That's no excuse to do it again.

It's depressing to watch this thing unfold. It seems that maximizing profits for some individuals is the most powerful influence, while shared values of scale and function honed by long experience are allowed no influence.

Kathleen Kust, Alexandria