Letter: Arbitrary Cancellations

Letter: Arbitrary Cancellations

To the Editor:

After the last two frivolous school closings, and a two-hour delay, I have to share my concerns about weather-related school closures, and my deep disappointment in the school administration's decisions. Last Friday's school closure was unnecessary — snow had stopped before midnight, and roads were clear by early morning well before buses needed to leave. The cold temperatures are not so cold as to endanger children walking to school, and the change in temperatures from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. is meaningless.

In reality, the unnecessary closure and delay decisions are teaching our children to be hampered by minor inconveniences, instead of teaching them a bit of perseverance and determination in upholding their responsibilities. The closures and delays interrupt school curriculum and classroom learning, disturb children's and families’ schedules, and cause a number of unnecessary distractions. It is the school administration's job to provide consistent, supportive learning environment; that won't be achieved with arbitrary cancellations.

As a parent of two children at Maury Elementary, I'd ask that you consider deeply the ramifications of the cancellation decisions. I hate to think we are raising a generation of wimpy children. Administrators, teachers and parents should be setting an example for our children. A little cold weather is no excuse for administrators or children to sit in bed and ignore school responsibilities. Now bundle up, and let's get to class.

Stephanie Lynch, Alexandria