Letter: Protecting Great Falls Trees

Letter: Protecting Great Falls Trees

To the Editor:

I commend the Great Falls Connection for doing everything to protect and expand the White Oaks in Great Falls [Protecting the White Oak, Great Falls Connection, June 18-24, 2014]. I had one huge White Oak in my yard, which was in poor condition upon my arrival when I moved into my house in 1974. I would cut the dead, fertilize the roots and nursed it along for 30+ years. Finally, it was struck by lightening and it died within two years. I consider that death more or less natural causes.

The above said, in the last 5 years I have lost one maple tree (approximately 30+ inches in diameter) and one large Red Oak which was approximately 25+ inches in diameter. Both trees were within the 15 feet of the center line of the state road which meant the VDOT had to contract their removal because they presented a safety issue to traffic traveling on Utterback Store Road. These two trees were on the property when I bought it in 1974 and they survived until VDOT decided to increase the amount of salt/brine spread on the road during the winter about five years ago. I have called and emailed VDOT a number of times attempting to get them to lighten up on the winter salt, all to no avail. I have one Red Oak approximately 40 inches in diameter left along the road side. With the continued salt spread on the winter road I will be surprised if that one lives two or three more years. It is unbelievable the amount of salt and now brine dumped on Utterback during the winter season. One would think Utterback is HWY 193 instead of a side road. Not that the Great Falls Citizen's Association needs another cause to take up, but the environmental damage being caused by the excessive salt/brine on the roads would be good one to address.

Dudley Losselyong

Great Falls