Letter: Consider Alternatives

Letter: Consider Alternatives

— City staff were asked if the proposed bike path between Janney's Lane and W. Cedar Street (four blocks from Metro) couldn't go through the George Washington Masonic National Memorial grounds rather than adding dedicated bike lanes to King Street — a street that already handles 13,000 vehicles each day. Residents were told "no." Turns out a bicycle route already exists through the Masonic National Memorial grounds and the executive director of the Memorial welcomes bicyclists. It's a much safer and more scenic route. And it's already identified on the city's "Bike Map."

Besides this route, there are a number of other alternative routes that add a minute or two, but provide a safer, more direct route to and from the Metro and avoid the narrow train overpass. Plus you can still cycle on King Street and share the road or use sidewalks (allowed in Alexandria).

With all these options why is it necessary to allocate 30 percent of the King Street roadway for a small number of bicyclists (12 at peak rush hour)? A good question with no good answer to residents. Most of those for bike lanes will not live every day with the effects of this decision and some may not even use the lanes.

The Traffic and Parking Board rejected the current bike lane plan based on safety issues. City Council should say "no" for the same reason. Instead the city should expend efforts to mark and enhance the safer alternatives.

Louise Welch, Alexandria