Letter: Ospreys Have Returned

Letter: Ospreys Have Returned

To the Editor:

The Ospreycam at the Spiegel's Landing osprey nest is upgraded and running. Our ospreys have returned from winter migration and are re-building the nest. The nest now sports a new camera with infra red capability for night viewing, a new legible sign and peripheral perches allowing the ospreys to perch off the nest. A microphone has also been installed but isn't yet operational. The live video may be accessed at www.littlehuntingcreek.org/ospreycam.html.

The websites for local organizations "Friends of Little Hunting Creek," "Friends of Huntley Meadows Park" and "Friends of Dyke Marsh" all have pages dedicated to bird watching. I wonder if they'll link those pages to the ospreycam page so their supporters can have easy access to the best and most easily accessible bird watching available in our community? We'll see.

H. Jay Spiegel, Mount Vernon