Chantilly Letter: Many Reasons To Give Thanks

Chantilly Letter: Many Reasons To Give Thanks

Mariam Sadia Sosan Malik, Chantilly

Gobble, gobble, it’s near that time of year again. The time we all check our Smartphones to see who has received the most likes on their turkey feast. Even though that may be one of the many modern customs we have created for Thanksgiving Day, some may tend to forget the true purpose of why we have this grand celebration.

Like many other Americans, I too celebrate this glorious occasion with family and friends. We indulge ourselves in a hearty thanksgiving meal and all gather together in the living room while still in our food comas to play charades. However, being an American Muslim I do not stop thanking God after this one day has passed each year. Every day is Thanksgiving in my household. Before eating any meal, snack or drink we give thanks. We pray five times throughout the day to give our thanks. God says in the Holy Quran, “If you are grateful, I will, surely, bestow more favors on you” (14:8). This verse makes me feel ungrateful considering the fact that God gives to us continuously.

To me, Thanksgiving is one of those holidays that everyone in the world can come together and celebrate with family and friends because it gives us a reality check to reflect on all the people and things we are surrounded by.