Centreville Letter: A Goal for the New Year

Centreville Letter: A Goal for the New Year

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

Looking around my neighborhood, I see houses are all covered in pretty lights and everyone's Christmas tree has been displayed. Which means it’s that time of the year again, Christmas! One thing I love about this holiday season is that everyone is the most happiest and giving. However, as an American Ahmadi Muslim teen I don't celebrate Christmas. But the good vibes everyone gives off makes me feel happy too. It makes me wish everyone was like this throughout the whole year, sharing, smiling to one another, forgiving, etc. I believe people should be extra happy this holiday season especially with all the bad things going on in the world, such as the Paris attacks and San Bernardino shooting.

We should take this time to reflect upon how grateful we are. This is also our chance to really think about being a good citizen and to stay united.

Sabiha Basit
