The Week in Burke

The Week in Burke

Broken Sprinkler Pipe at Heatherwood and FCPS Award Nominations Due

Snow on Roof Breaks Sprinkler Pipe at Heatherwood

Fairfax County Fire and Rescue responded to Heatherwood Retirement Community in Burke Saturday night after a sprinkler pipe burst due to heavy snow on the structure’s roof.

A one-inch sag in the roof caused the pipe to break and set off an alarm, said Supervisor Pat Herrity (R-Springfield).

Rescue workers were able to reinforce the roof and the building inspector determined it wasn’t necessary to evacuate residents.

Heatherwood is located at 9642 Burke Lake Road #1 in Burke.

--Tim Peterson

FCPS Award Nominations Deadline is Feb. 3

Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) is accepting nominations for the Outstanding Support Employee, Outstanding Hourly Employee, and Outstanding Leader awards. The nomination deadline is Feb. 3.

Administrators, colleagues, parents, and community members are encouraged to support outstanding employees who deserve to be acknowledged for the impact of their work.

All award nominees will be celebrated at the annual FCPS Honors gala held at the George Mason University Center for the Arts at the end of the school year. Winners receive a financial award and their school receives a celebration for the entire staff to recognize the role of collaborative teamwork in achieving excellence.

Nominations are also being accepted for the Outstanding First-Year Principal Award. This award recognizes a distinguished first-year principal who demonstrates extraordinary leadership qualities and exceptional administrative abilities. The nomination deadline is Feb. 17.

Find the award criteria and the online nomination forms at

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