Alexandria Letter: Lower Speed Limit?

Alexandria Letter: Lower Speed Limit?

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

I admit it ... I have speed limit envy. Alexandria residents on Seminary and Quaker Road have just successfully lowered the speed limits to 25 mph on their roads. I understand that it wasn’t easy. Lots of signatures gathered, years of making noise in City Hall but they finally made it happen. Congratulations!

I live on a street in Old Town that is narrow and dark at night. My neighbors are well attuned to being cautious when crossing the streets, opening their car doors, wrangling their children and walking the dogs at night. Our city streets are 25 mph with stop signs at each end which don’t slow anyone down. Is 25 mph appropriate for residential streets that are shared by cars parked on both sides of the road, tourists, cyclists and more pedestrians than any other streets in our city wide areas?

As I write this I’m wondering how other Old Towners would feel about lowering the speed limit in town. Is everyone in a rush to get through our streets? Including us?

Jeanie Tulipane
