Protecting Children

Protecting Children

The Most Reverend Michael F. Burbidge, Bishop of Arlington, released the following message last week:

With all people of good will, we mark April as National Child Abuse Prevention Month through prayer and efforts aimed at protecting the most precious gift, our children. Annually, nearly 700,000 children are neglected or abused in the United States. This is an evil that all of us — and in a particular way, the Church —must continually work to end.

On “Blue Monday,” April 24, Catholics have the opportunity to join others by wearing blue and demonstrating the primary importance of the families and communities, united in common effort to prevent the abuse of children.

On “Blue Sunday,” April 30, all are invited to pray in a particular way for abused children and for those entrusted with their care. Together, may we be united in prayer and action as we continue to protect and safeguard all children from any form of neglect or abuse.