Opinion: Letter to the Editor: Appreciate Support

Opinion: Letter to the Editor: Appreciate Support

We were touched to read [“A Quality Candidate,” letter, Gazette Packet, Nov. 9] that M.T. Monson, Jr. voted for us in the last election. Folks who feel like him will be pleased to know that they can vote for us every year. But what we really would like is for him or her — and the rest of you — to stop by Seminary & Quaker (Immanuel Church on-the-Hill, to be more precise) next October and buy some of us pumpkins. Part of the proceeds go back to the Navajo Indians who grow us, and the balance is donated to charities like ALIVE, Carpenters Shelter, Community Lodgings, etc. Supporting this worthwhile ministry will make you feel even more virtuous than voting for us.

PUMPKINS, Seminary & Quaker
