Opinion: Letter to the Editor: Addressing Climate Change at Capitol Hill

Opinion: Letter to the Editor: Addressing Climate Change at Capitol Hill

Amid recent examples of extreme weather events made worse by climate change, we should have a heightened awareness of the impacts of a changing climate on our lives. It should also force us to question just what we will be leaving behind for our children.

We look to our government to protect our right to clean air and water and for a safe environment. The EPA was instituted to do just that. Protect us.

We also look to our legislators to represent us and our concerns. To hear us and to respond appropriately.

My Congresswoman is Barbara Comstock. She represents me and all her constituents in the 10th district, and she needs to listen to our deep concerns about climate change and the gutting of the EPA, the very agency that is set up to protect our public health.

Many who have tried to get an appointment with the Congresswoman, have not been successful — and she refuses to hold a town meeting in her district. It‘s high time she represent us, and certainly she cannot do that without meeting with us and hearing us first-hand.

Helene Shore
