Opinion: Letter to the Editor: Downtown McLean: A Great Opportunity

Opinion: Letter to the Editor: Downtown McLean: A Great Opportunity

I recently read the article about the Vision for Downtown Mclean (McLean Connection, November 14-20, 2018). I’m so excited to hear that there is possibly going to be a new community business center. Centers like these have been very successful in the past, such as the Mosaic District. So many job opportunities will come out of developing and building a community business center and the new businesses who will need to hire employees. This is a great opportunity for the people of McLean. As Colin Greene, senior director of planning, said “Connectivity is key.” He’s right, this is going to be able to bring together everyone who lives there and everyone will be able to benefit from the success of this center. I hope this community business center gets approved because it will offer so many opportunities to people they might not have had in the past.

Sophia Spero
