Retrieving his ball from the pool, service-dog-in-training Midnight takes a moment to enjoy the cool water. Midnight is also owned by Canine Companions for Independence. Photo by Nikki Cheshire
During the hot and humid days of summer, most people like nothing more than a relaxing day at the pool. However, dogs are not always granted this luxury – that is, until Seneca Hill Animal Hospital, Resort and Spa’s annual open house.
Dogs and their owners gathered from all over the area on Sunday, July 15, to treat themselves to free samples, raffles, unlimited playtime and access to the newly renovated aquatic facility. Additionally, owners could enjoy complimentary hot dogs, sides and drinks while their four-legged friends received dog treats, frozen Frosty Paws and ice water.
After cooling off with a swim, a Keeshond named Cassie enjoyed her time in the play yard and its plethora of toys. Her owners, Cynthia and Alan Houpt, came all the way from Oak Hill to take advantage of Seneca Hill’s facilities. "Cassie used to be a regular in doggy day care here," explained Cynthia Houpt. "We thought it’d be nice to visit again." Cassie, who also visits an assisted living home and takes part in informal dog shows, got to have a day of fun and relaxation at Seneca.
The event, which according to Seneca Hill’s general manager Heather Dallara is in its fourth year, is a "fun, excellent way to thank our customers." Dallara, who brought her Chihuahua mix, Moxie, to the event as well, continued: "We mainly do it as a community event" that everyone – both people and pets – can enjoy.