Aerial view of the Dulles Discovery Office park, which currently generates more than $5.5 million in taxes. Opening of Dulles Discovery Four opens in the spring and will increase tax revenue to more than $6.5 million in taxes.
A high-quality, secure office complex on 77.31 acres of property at the southeast quadrant of Sully Road and Air and Space Museum Parkway will generate up to $8 million in tax revenue for the county, said Frank McDermott, attorney for the developer Dulles Discovery South 5C.
“There is an awful lot of money there to benefit the county infrastructure and it is a tremendous job source,” McDermott said.
About 2.4 million square feet of office space will be available to a single [federal] government tenant, said McDermott.
With a unanimous vote, the Board of Supervisors approved the applicant’s request to rezone the 77.31 acres from the PDC and I-5 districts to the PDC district to permit the modifications to an office building complex and associated parking.
The Planning Commission gave its approval on Nov. 30, 2017.
More than 35 percent of the property will remain open space, according to planning and zoning documents.
“This is a wonderful facility, it looks great, and has high standards,” said Sully District Supervisor Kathy Smith, at the Board of Supervisors’ public hearing on Dec. 5.
“I would simply mention that this is a very, very high-end office complex that is totally secure for a particular ... government tenant,” McDermott said.
One of the modifications approved on Dec. 5 permits an increase in fence height to nine feet around the perimeter of the property. The applicant will assist in the timing of traffic signals around the office park, and will plant trees on all the boundaries to soften the view of the office park.
Two security entrances will be located on Sully Road and Centreville Road.
The rezoning office park in the Sully Historic District was originally approved in 2010, according to Kelly Atkinson, of Planning and Zoning.