With time getting short in Virginia’s early in person voting period, lines at West Springfield Government Center’s voting location were steady on Oct. 23 and 24.
Nina Perlman, Annadale: “Because I can!”
Tony and Rosandra Corea, Springfield. Tony said: “To get it over with and don’t die before.” Rosandra shared: “It’s my 84th birthday today. This is a good way to celebrate.”
Rudy & Denise Tarlosky. Rudy said: “Before surgery; had to get it done.”
Edith Roscoe, Springfield. “I run a home daycare and by the time I’m done it’s late and I want to be sure my vote counts.”
Deborah Maiorino, Burke: “Had to be out grocery shopping and running an errand.”
Extending from the entrance to the end of the building, it took voters an average of 30 to 45 minutes to cast their votes. The last day for early in person voting is Saturday, Oct. 30.
Why did voters come out before Election Day for the new “no reason required” early voting option?