Running for RCA

Running for RCA

July 11, 2002

<bt>The Reston Citizens Association (RCA) Board of Directors election has been re-united with the Reston Festival this year. This will enable citizens to cast their ballots on July 13 and 14 at the festival, one of RCA's services to Reston. The following candidates have filed for election and provided the goals they seek to achieve for the community.

Running for President: Jim Traylor

Background Qualifications:

Served as RCA president for the past two years; helped reintroduce the Reston Festival in 1999 and have chaired the Reston Festival committee since 2000; actively involved with the recruitment and support of candidates for positions on Reston's local governing Boards.

Objectives and Goals:

Continue efforts to focus energy in RCA's areas of strength (Planning & Zoning, Reston Festival, Transportation) and gradually take on new advocacy roles as we can afford. Explore new opportunities to fund the RCA, which has no direct means of financial support (no taxes, no dues).

Running for At-Large Director: Chad W. Davis

Background Qualifications:

Certified public accountant with a master's in business administration, financial manager for Verizon Federal Network Systems, charter member and president of Reston Junior Chamber of Commerce (2002-2003), state and local presidential award winner member and former treasurer of Association of Government Accountants, D.C. Chapter, presidential award winner member of Greater Washington Society of CPAs.

Objectives and Goals:

Will work to grow and strengthen the relationship between the RCA and other recognized Reston organizations (RA, RCC, the Chamber of Commerce, Junior Chamber of Commerce, etc.). Will work to efficiently and effectively manage the growth of the Reston community. Will work to provide Reston with diverse opportunities for growth and education for all ages through such events as the Reston Festival. Actively engage in transportation and public safety issues and commit to informing the public of happenings that affect us all.

Running for North Point Director: Jennifer L. Blackwell

Background Qualifications:

Attorney, Venable, Baetjer and Howard, LLP; pro bono attorney, Cedar Ridge Legal Clinic (Reston); member, Maintenance and Revitalization Committee (2002); director, North Point, Reston Citizens Association (May - June 2002); law clerk, Virginia Supreme Court Justice Barbara Keenan (1996-1997); law clerk, Eastern District of Virginia Judge Robert Payne; Girl Scout Leader (1996-2000). Commitment to use advocacy and analytical skills to listen to and encourage ideas from Reston citizens and implement them to make Reston even greater.

Objectives and Goals:

RCA, as the voice of concerned Restonians, plays an important role in fulfilling the goals of Reston's founder to make Reston a better place to live, work, and play. Although strong leadership is vital to a community, equally important are the voices of citizens in decisions about the planning of the community, transportation, and revitalization. RCA, as a focal point for Restonians, can provide a unique and important perspective on all issues impacting the community, and I would use my skills as an advocate to ensure that the views of the citizenry were well-represented before the RA and county.

Running for Lake Anne Director: John Fay

Background Qualifications:

I have lived in Reston for 25 years. I have lived in townhomes and detached homes all over Reston. I currently work for the U.S. & Foreign Commercial Service in the Department of Commerce. I have served on the Board of Directors of RCA and have worked on the Reston Festival for the last two years.

Objectives and Goals:

No matter where I travel to I am always struck by how well Reston compares to communities everywhere. In my opinion, Reston is a special place because it has always been innovative. I want to ensure that Reston continues to remain a place to try out new ideas, in developing land, solving transportation problems, providing space to live and play for all members of society and giving its citizens a say in public affairs. Reston is special because of the efforts of many Restonians. I want to do my part and continue this effort.