Connection Honors Top Carriers

Connection Honors Top Carriers

<bt>Each year, The Springfield Connection recognizes and thanks its top newspapers carriers. Each of these excellent carriers will receive a $10 bonus, two complimentary passes to the University Mall Theatres in Fairfax, coupons for a free Cinnabon and a Popeye's meal, and a special trophy from Springfield Trophies.

Peter Kapuscinski, 14, a ninth-grader at West Springfield High School, has been an exceptionally responsible carrier since September 2000, when he took over from his brother. Peter plays basketball and guitar and loves skateboarding. He saves his Connection money to buy something special; last year he got a camcorder.

Elizabeth Giardina, 14, is an eighth-grader at Irving Middle School. She has been an outstanding carrier since 1995. She delivers 129 papers to homes and does a business route. She participates in soccer year-round and swim team, and loves to hang out with friends and go shopping at the mall. Born on Friday the 13th, 13 is her lucky number.

Laura Ulsh, 13, is in eighth grade at Irving Middle School. She has dependably delivered 216 papers since June 1999 and is always willing to sub. She participates in soccer and her church youth group, plays clarinet and likes to travel.