Gift Giving Nirvana

Gift Giving Nirvana

New book takes aim at the stress of shopping.

Deborah Dillard, a Clifton resident and long-time practitioner of sidereal astrology has found a number successes in her work. President of the Astrological Association of Northern Virginia, host of a children's radio show on KOL Radio — which reaches more than one-million listeners — the author of a weekly on-line horoscope and a private consultant for clients ranging from Fairfax County residents to Hollywood actors — Dillard is best known to her friends as a great gift giver. Within her practice, Dillard likens astrology to "a tool to help make something.” And with the release of her first book, "Gift Giving By The Stars," she now offers it as a tool to help give something.

ACCORDING TO DILLARD, "Gift Giving By The Stars," was written to alleviate the stress incurred from finding the perfect present — particularly for people hard-to-please or those recently acquainted. Preceded by information on gift giving etiquette, as well as practical advice, the astrological bulk of the book is accompanied with a reference guide for those less familiar with the terminology. In order pinpoint what types of gifts fit the individual, readers can create a free Gift Profile Guide by visiting Dillard's web site, This information is then applied "Astrology of Gift Giving" section of the book to direct a shopper towards the right style of gift.

"I buy gifts the same way for everyone," said Dillard. "I look at their Sun and Venus and then go from there."

The book, which is available through her web site and, not only acts as a portable shopping aide, but also brings a light-hearted feel to an activity that has people dreading those red-letter calendar days

"Buy that book, get a gift for people," said Dillard. "It's gift nirvana — there are no returns and everyone is happy."

—Christopher Staten