Barbeque at the Windsor Firehouse

Barbeque at the Windsor Firehouse


Firefighter Bethany Richards greets Abby and Debbie Altenburg at the Windsor Fire Station on Sunday afternoon.


Larry and Judy Lowe arrive for the barbeque with bowls of cold salads.


Firefighter Mike Dunn sets out another plate of grilled hotdogs and hamburgers.


President of the Volunteer Fire Department Jay Johnson and AFD Joseph Hoffmaster attend to the grill.


Dishes for the potluck barbeque fill up a table in the firehouse. The station is currently under renovation. The kitchen appliances have not been installed yet.


Marcia Call and Gayle Reuter get an update from Firefighter Bethany Richards on the renovation progress


Alexandria Fire Chief Adam Theil is introduced by Del Ray Citizen’s Association president David Fromm.


Vice Mayor Del Pepper has a few words to say. Chief Theil listens with his daughter Sophie.


Battalion Chief John North talks with Town of Potomac Centennial chair Pat Miller.

Sunday afternoon, the Del Ray Business Association challenged the Del Ray Citizens Association to a game of softball at Little Simpson Field. The game was tied when called after an hour due to temperatures in the high nineties. The teams and friends regrouped later at the Windsor Avenue Fire Station for a barbeque with the firefighters. The firehouse is currently undergoing renovation.