Five Questions with West Potomac Gymnast Nicole Marinello

Five Questions with West Potomac Gymnast Nicole Marinello


West Potomac gymnast Nicole Marinello.

<b>Q: What is your favorite food?</b>

A: I really like seafood, so probably linguini with clam sauce.

<b>Q: What location is the farthest you have traveled from the Washington, D.C. metro area?</b>

A: Hawaii. My mom’s from Hawaii. I’m half Japanese. We’re going there this summer. We used to go a lot.

<b>Q: What are you doing when you’re not participating in gymnastics?</b>

A: I would say doing my schoolwork, but that would probably be a lie. So most likely hanging out with my friend Karley. That’s my other house. I’m always at her house.

<b>Q: You’re also a cheerleader. Which do you prefer, cheer or gymnastics?</b>

A: I think I would have to go with gymnastics if I had to choose. I like the cheerleading team too, but [the gymnastics] team, we actually hang out and we’re really close. I’ve been doing gymnastics a lot longer than cheer so it’s like a comfort zone for me.

<b>Q: You’re 14. What’s one of the first places you will want to go once you get your driver’s license?</b>

A: I’ll probably go to Chipotle, because I always beg everyone who can drive to bring me Chipotle and there always like, ‘No.’ I love Chipotle, so that would probably be it.

— Jon Roetman