Donations Made by FAS to Enhance Fields

Donations Made by FAS to Enhance Fields

“As part of a continued commitment to honor Fairfax County residents, Fairfax Adult Softball [FAS] took the initiative to improve several Fairfax County Park Authority softball fields this spring,” according to John Carney, FAS President. FAS donated over $110,000 to improve infields at Braddock Park, Nottoway Park, Lake Fairfax Park and Mason District Park.

Work began on the field enhancements in early March by the county approved field contractor, Premier Sports Fields of Remington, Va. New infields were re-graded, laser-leveled, top-dressed, and dragged to prepare for the upcoming season. FAS was pleased when Todd Johnson and Dan Sutherland of the Park Authority approved and financially supported this effort. “Fairfax County has always done a nice job supporting our league,” said Carl S. Ey, FAS Treasurer, “but adult recreational softball is a huge program in Fairfax and in a tight economy, it was time for FAS to dig deep and support the entire county with these field improvements.”

In addition to the fieldwork, FAS donated, constructed and installed “dugout cubbies” at a majority of the fields permitted to FAS for use by all users and participants. Furthermore, under the encouragement of FAS Director Chris Voss, FAS was instrumental in bringing recycling to Fairfax County Parks. “On any given day, most of the items I saw thrown in the trash containers were recyclable materials and I felt it was important to get recycling options at the parks,” Voss said.

Fairfax Adult Softball (FAS) has over 900 teams and 10,000 participants annually in the softball program making it the largest adult softball program in Northern Virginia. To get involved, FAS encourages your participation in our program as either an individual or with a team. Information about playing and volunteering is available on the FAS website at