Helping Neighbors in Need

Helping Neighbors in Need

Throughout the month of June. Dixon Hughes Goodman of Tysons Corner paired up with Food for Others, a Fairfax based nonprofit organization and the largest distributor of food to those in need in Northern Virginia, for a canned food drive to help fight hunger in Metro DC area.

As part of Dixon Hughes Goodman's GIVES (Go. Invest. Volunteer.

Engage. Serve.) initiative, the firm's 29 offices come together once a year to support a collective cause that will impact the communities in which it is located. Held from June 11 - 22, the Count the Cans food drive focused on collecting monetary and non-perishable food donations.

"Food banks have an increased need for donations in the summer months because children who rely on school meals are out of school and fewer donations are made from the public due to schedules and vacations," said Ken Hughes, CEO for Dixon Hughes Goodman. "We are dedicated to combining our resources to assist our neighbors who are struggling with hunger and meet individual's immediate needs in the communities we serve."

In the Tyson's Corner office alone, employees gave 9,713 pounds of food to Food for Others, including an incredible collection of over 15,000 cans of Tuna, to help the organization feed families in need throughout the summer. "It is easy to forget that we have people in our backyards that struggle to get enough to eat everyday and I'm excited that Dixon Hughes Goodman was able to provide so much to Food for Others," said Office Managing Partner, Greta Tosi-Miller. Visit for more information.