Opinion: Street Repairs Needed Repair

Opinion: Street Repairs Needed Repair

Recent repairs to the 200 block of North Fairfax Street are complete.

Recent repairs to the 200 block of North Fairfax Street are complete. Photo by Louise Krafft.

— To the Editor:

Last week a construction team repaired an underground problem in the 200 block of North Fairfax Street and left the site in so bad a condition that trucks and buses bounced all over the lumpy asphalt creating an unbearable traffic situation and magnifying the noise level we deal with daily as this precious Old Town commercializes exponentially. A week goes by and the construction team reappears, tearing up the road once more and transporting the crushed asphalt to the dump. In the meantime the crew sits and waits — close to an hour — until the new asphalt is delivered and properly spread over the problem area. What a costly mishap! Where is oversight and accountability for such incompetent work and who at Town Hall is responsible to justify our tax dollars in such a frivolous way? We are at the point where roads need to be re surfaced not patched, streets need to be cleaned and overhead wires grounded, a project that was promised but somehow either stalled or postponed indefinitely.

Christa Annett
