Letter: Delegate Focused on Real Issues

Letter: Delegate Focused on Real Issues

The recent turmoil created by the gridlock in the federal government may tempt many of us to ignore politics all together. However, Virginians shouldn’t allow the circus in Washington to cause us to lose sight of the importance of our state’s gubernatorial and house elections on Nov. 5. Personally I will be heading to the polls first thing that morning to show my support for Delegate Eileen Filler-Corn, who works across party lines and stays focused on the real issues that affect us as Virginian citizens.

Over the past few weeks, I have received many negative postcards using smear tactics against Delegate Filler-Corn. Her opponent has not clearly articulated a plan for what he would do as a delegate, and has offered no vision for our commonwealth. Not only has Delegate Filler-Corn worked across party lines on important issues such as transportation, she has demonstrated consistent leadership support for fully funding our public school system.

I am a teacher. I work long hours (far longer than most people realize) and my profession is becoming more and more challenging with new administrative demands and the changing dynamics of our student population. I work hard to enrich my students’ lives and help them learn to be productive citizens in our community. My passion is educating students, making a difference in their lives.

This year’s election is critical to my ability to fulfill that passion. Most decisions about what I teach are made at the state level. Our elected officials in Richmond alter the course of education in the state each winter. While I believe that the legislation written by our elected officials is well intended, it does not always match reality when it comes to what is best for our students. Politics often drive legislation, to the detriment of teachers’ ability to find practical solutions that meet the learning needs of each child. When schools and students lose, we all lose.

However, I truly believe that this election is an opportunity to make a difference for schools across the state. We can educate ourselves about the candidates and select those who believe that education is an investment in our future and a basic right for every child. Together, we can educate others on the importance of having certified, professional teachers in every classroom and giving them the latitude they need to prepare each individual student to be a responsible, productive—and happy—member of their community.

Delegate Filler-Corn believes that all of Virginia’s children should have access to a great public school and she will continue to do what is right for the community and our great state. Please join me in ensuring that we reelect of our district’s hard-working, dedicated Delegate Eileen Filler-Corn.

Precious Crabtree
