Priceless Puppies, Future Service Dogs

Priceless Puppies, Future Service Dogs

Photographer Joan Brady of Great Falls volunteers with a nonprofit called which raises and trains service dogs, including psychiatric assistance dogs for veterans with PTSD and assistance dogs for children with disabilities. Brady documents the dogs from birth.

"We like to document each litter with a group shot. When puppies are just born, they sleep quite a bit, so you would think they would be easy to photograph," says Brady. "But they are actually quite squirmy. And as they get older, they are more mobile, so you have to get creative about finding ways to corral them as much as possible. Getting great shots requires patience, lots of extra hands and a good bit of luck.”

Brady has started a new Facebook group to showcase the cutest puppy shots. Check it out at “Priceless Puppies.” To find out more about paws4people, go to