Opinion: Letter to the Editor: For Tax Reform Benefiting All

Opinion: Letter to the Editor: For Tax Reform Benefiting All

Trump wants to cut taxes for the rich who already have too much — who already translate their wealth into power to pervert our political and economic systems.

If Republicans are serious about tax reform, then why not go back to their favorite period in history — when Ike was president?

Under Ike's 90 percent top income tax, we had world-class living standards, science and research, public schools, road and media — we had Fairness Doctrine reporting with real investigative journalism.


Because, instead of stealing from innocent hardworking Americans like my dad, the rich paid their fair share for membership in the society that benefits them most.

Go ahead and reform taxes, but do it to benefit all Americans, not just the top 1 percent.

A.J. O'Brien
