Oakcrest School Awards Veritas Scholarships

Oakcrest School Awards Veritas Scholarships


Therese McGovern.


Abigail Adams.

Oakcrest School has selected Therese McGovern, a current Oakcrest student and Abigail Adams, a newly accepted student to the Class of 2022 as Veritas scholarship recipients. Miss McGovern and Miss Adams were chosen from a highly competitive applicant pool of 30 eighth-grade students.

The prestigious merit scholarship award consists of a $5,000 tuition remission renewed annually through graduation. It is granted to two outstanding students each year who best display high academic achievement, leadership, and strong moral character.

More than just a monetary award, Veritas scholars receive one-on-one mentoring by school administrators and develop leadership skills in their role as school ambassadors. They represent Oakcrest, an all-girl liberal arts school in Northern Virginia, at various events during the school year, lead tours at open houses, and speak to prospective students, parents, and donors.

“I can say with confidence that, looking back, receiving the Veritas award has been the fundamental stepping stone in my discovery in what it means to lead by example and act with the intention of service,” reflected Makena Kiara, a Veritas award recipient from the Class of 2017. “The Veritas award has allowed me to grow in self-confidence and self-knowledge.”

To qualify, students had to submit an original essay, video or art project on the topic “We Each Make a Difference.” Candidates attended a reception in early February as the last step in the application process where they were interviewed by Oakcrest alumnae. For more information, visit www.Oakcrest.org