Walk in Alexandria to Remember Road Traffic Victims

Walk in Alexandria to Remember Road Traffic Victims

Vehicles crash into about 80 pedestrians and cyclists each year here and of those crashes, about 15 people are killed or seriously injured in the City of Alexandria. This is not just a number. These people are parents, grandparents, husbands, wives, children, friends, and neighbors.

International World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims (WDR) is an annual event to remember the millions of people killed and injured in traffic crashes around the world.

Please join the members of Alexandria Families for Safe Streets for a walk of silence on Sunday, Nov. 17, 2019, at 1 p.m. starting at W. Glebe Road and Mt. Vernon Avenue, walking to Casa Chirilagua Center to honor those who have been impacted by traffic crashes.

The walk will be followed by a brief ceremony to call attention to the issue of traffic fatalities and injuries inflicted on pedestrians and other vulnerable road users; elevate the voices of those who have been most impacted by traffic crashes; advocate for traffic regulations that will lead to safer streets on our roads, and promote the Vision Zero goal of zero traffic fatalities and serious injuries in Alexandria and Arlington.

AFSS members who have been personally impacted by traffic violence will be joined at the event by the Mayor of Alexandria, Chair of Arlington County’s Board, members of Alexandria’s City Council, State Legislators, Alexandria’s Chief of Police, Alexandria’s T&ES Department, BPAC members and other concerned residents of both Alexandria and Arlington.

For more information about this event, please contact Mike Doyle at 703-946-8401 or mike@alxffss.org.

To learn more about Alexandria Families For Safe Streets or to get involved, please visit www.alxffss.org.