External Assessment of Police Policies and Practices Available

External Assessment of Police Policies and Practices Available

In the summer of 2020, the County Board asked the County Manager to lead a review of police policies and practices following national events involving policing and racial justice. The County Manager appointed a 15-member Police Practices Group to review four key areas: Community Oversight Board, traffic enforcement, mental health services and alternative dispute resolution. The Police Practices Group provided their initial recommendations for the County Manager in Feb. 2021.

The County Manager also called for an external assessment of ACPD administrative policies and practices to ensure they align with current best practices. The report is now available online, along with a transmittal letter by the County Manager and summary of steps ACPD has taken in response to the findings.

Jan. 12, 2022 County Manager Letter to Community https://www.arlingtonva.us/files/sharedassets/public/departments/documents/rev.01.12.2022_final-transmittal-letter.pdf

Final Policy and Data Review Report by Hillard Heintze


ACPD's Response to the Report
