All results / Stories / John Lovaas

Commentary: Independent Progressive: What Do Our Electeds on Capitol Hill Do?

A True Green Progressive—Paul Hughes

A couple of weeks ago, we lost a very special man. Paul Hughes, a long-time environmental activist and green business entrepreneur, died from a massive heart attack.

Opinion: Who is Running to Represent You in Congress?

If you only get your news from the TV and the big city newspapers that still exist, you might think that we are electing only the president of the U.S. and a U.S. senator from Virginia on Nov. 6, just 47 days from now. In fact, we’ll also be electing a new representative for Reston in Congress.

Reston National in Retreat or Stalling?

Suddenly, Reston National Golf Club’s corporate masters have pulled back from the Oct. 24 hearing they demanded as a matter of urgency before the Fairfax County Board of Zoning Appeals.

Commentary: Teens Deserve Sleep Before School

For about 10 years, area parent groups and child health specialists have been arguing that high school start times should take into account the body clocks of high school students. In fact, research shows that high school age teens do their best if they get a solid nine hours of sleep. Adequate sleep improves learning, memory and performance in school. Inadequate sleep has many downsides.

County Fumbles Plan for Rail, Reston Future-Part 1

Next year rail service will finally arrive. It will drive a transformation of our community from suburban to urban, from a population of 60,000 to twice that in twenty years. But neither the infrastructure to support the transformation nor a land-use plan to assure an orderly transition or attractive outcome for residents is in place. Fairfax County and the Virginia Commonwealth are inexplicably unprepared for this transition despite having had many years to plan for it.

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August Getaway to Oregon

The impetus for the trip came from my two surviving younger sisters, one of whom made our reservations at Crater Lake National Park over a year ago. The spectacularly beautiful wonder of nature was to be the centerpiece of a 12-day trip which also included touring part of the Oregon Pacific coast and stays at Gold Beach, Ashland, Steamboat and Eugene.

Four Running to Represent You in Congress

Independent Progressive

It was a dreary, threatening-to-rain Sunday afternoon, and I was a bit bored. It dawned on me that I really had not thought about the coming election right here in my own, new congressional district.

Column: Reston Marches to Support Neighbors

It was a lovely Sunday afternoon, ideal for marching to support our neighbors in Lake Anne’s Crescent Apartments and support some old-time Reston values.

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Restonians Join March on Washington

The mood was one of joyful camaraderie along with determination to stand up to what marchers saw as a terrible threat to their values and their country.

Elected Leaders Failing Us at So Many Levels

Americans are feeling more than a little let down by our government in Washington.

Affordable Housing-Talk Not Action in Fairfax, Reston

The shortage of affordable housing in Fairfax County and Reston rarely gets the analytical attention that the Connection’s edition of August 16-22 delivered in Mercia Hobson’s “3rd Wealthiest County in U.S. Fails to Provide Affordable Housing.” The article is based on conversations with several knowledgeable staff members of one excellent Reston’s charitable organization, Cornerstones, people serving the homeless and those in danger of becoming homeless.

Reston Political Scene as 2023 Ends

I cannot believe that we are about to go over the cliff into 2024! To me it seems like we need more of 2023 just to get ready for potentially cataclysmic 2024.

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Re-Visioning Lake Anne for Fun and Profit

Independent Progressive

Fall is Here, A Casino Too!

Yes, a casino! In Reston!? It is hard for me to imagine a worse idea.

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Riding the Rails

Family reunion in Massachusetts chalet.

Family reunion in Massachusetts chalet.

Summer Is Gone, but Not Forgotten

Summer Is Gone, but Not Forgotten

Catching up on Reston, Winter 2023

Catching up on Reston,The Independent Progressive Winter 2023

Independent Progressive

Let’s hear it for the new leadership in Richmond—especially Governor Terry McAuliffe and Attorney General Mark Herring. Imagine Virginia leaders fighting for health care for 400,000 people and going to court fighting for cleaner water and air, and human equality under the law?! Just a few months ago, Virginia’s governor and Attorney General were little more than late night comedy fare, up to their ears in corruption scandal and opposing health care for the non-wealthy, cleaner air and water, and equality. But these two Democrats are trying to roll large boulders up a steep incline with broad support among a large majority of Virginians but precious little support from too many elected. Governor McAuliffe has succeeded in energizing a slim Senate majority of Democrats and a handful of moderate Republicans to back market-driven insurance reform which will take available federal tax dollars and extend basic health insurance to up to 400,000 Virginians now without any health care.

Adventure on Metro Rail

Adventure on Metro Rail
