Waving No More

Waving No More

Members of the Mount Vernon chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution to conduct a flag retirement on June 12 for the flag that flew over the main gate of Mount Vernon Estate for the previous six months.

Joined by members of the Ann McCarty Ramsey chapter of the Children of the American Revolution, DAR members gathered in Fort Ward Park. A fire burned in one of the park’s barbecue grills, and DAR and CAR members systematically dismantled the flag. A flag retirement starts with the Pledge of Allegiance, then delineates the symbolism inherent in the design. First of all, DAR Regent Joan Poland helped CAR members remove the Union, the white stars on a blue background. Once the Union has been removed, the flag is no longer seen as an American flag, and the CAR members began separating the 13 red and white stripes, representing the first 13 colonies.

Once all the stripes were ablaze, the Union was added to the fire and burned until all parts are completely consumed.