Lake Anne Walks to School, PTA Plans to Make it Habit

Lake Anne Walks to School, PTA Plans to Make it Habit

The woman in the red sweater is the elementary school's own assistant principal Melissa Goddin, with regular teacher substitute Laura Barber standing beside. On the ground is resting student Joseph.

The woman in the red sweater is the elementary school's own assistant principal Melissa Goddin, with regular teacher substitute Laura Barber standing beside. On the ground is resting student Joseph. Photo contributed


Zane signs the banner on Walk to School Day, Wednesday, Oct. 9.

The Lake Anne PTA sponsored a rally for Walk to School Day, last Wednesday, Oct. 9, at a local park before school. The international day dedicated to walking to school inspired the PTA to host a walk to school the first Friday of every month.

Students received charms with a chain to put on their backpacks to commemorate the initiative. Parents, staff and students crossed streets with the help of guards and even Assistant Principal Melissa Goddin, to get everyone safely to school.