Great Falls: Save Marmota Farm

Great Falls: Save Marmota Farm

Save Marmota Farm SMF, formed in July 2015, is dedicated to preserving as a public park the 22.8 acre Marmota Farm located at 9800 Georgetown Pike in Great Falls. Marmota Farm has about 1,000 feet of road frontage on Georgetown Pike Route 193, which was named Virginia's first official "scenic byway" in 1974.

A $94 million park bond referendum that will go before Fairfax County voters on Nov. 8, 2016 could provide funding for acquiring part of it. SMF is constructively working with the landowner's agents and the Fairfax County Park Authority to preserve this beautiful property as "natural open space for public benefit."

Please visit Save Marmota Farm on Facebook or email organizer Andrew Roesell at