Rescue Reston to Be Honored

Rescue Reston to Be Honored

Reston Citizens Association to name the supporters of Rescue Reston 2015 Citizen of the Year.

Rescue Reston supporters will be honored as the 2015 Citizen of the Year.

Rescue Reston supporters will be honored as the 2015 Citizen of the Year. Photo by Jim Kirby

The annual Reston Citizen of the Year Award traditionally honors an individual who has contributed to the quality of life in Reston, helped others in need and acted with the goals of Reston in mind, without thought of personal benefit or recognition.

This year, the Reston Citizens Association (RCA) has announced that the 2015 Reston Citizen of the Year will be awarded to the supporters of Rescue Reston, a grassroots organization comprising thousands of Restonians who came together to defend Reston National Golf Course as open green space and succeeded in doing so after mounting a long and resolute public campaign and legal battle.

“Typically, RCA has awarded the honor to an individual from Reston, but chose Rescue Reston for 2015 because it greatly represents the things that make Reston very unique –- strong community involvement and passion for core founding principles such as preserving open green space and having ample recreational facilities within the community,” said Sridhar Ganesan, president, RCA.

“Thousands of citizens united behind the Rescue Reston cause which resulted in a great public common good for Reston. Being an association of, by and for the citizens, RCA is proud to honor this organization that represents a citizen-led movement,” he said.

The Rescue Reston community will be honored at the annual RCA Award Ceremony on Sunday, April 24, 6-8 p.m. The award ceremony is open to the public at no cost, and will be held starting at 6 p.m. at the Reston Community Center’s Community Room. After the ceremony, light refreshments will be served.