Opinion: Letter to the Editor: Climate Change And Flooding

Opinion: Letter to the Editor: Climate Change And Flooding

The article [“County Breaks Ground on Huntington Levee,” Gazette March 30] on the groundbreaking for the Huntington levee discusses how this levee will protect the community from flooding and reduce risks to people, property, and first responders. However, it should be noted that this project, according to the project details on the county website, "is not designed to offer protection from flooding that is caused by storms that are greater than a 100-year event (a storm that has a one percent chance of occurring in any given year)." With the threat from global climate change increasing every year, and with its impacts becoming more severe, these type of storms will only increase in frequency and severity. The Huntington Levee project, while a positive step forward for the community, will be ill-equipped to protect residents and businesses from the devastating effects of these more-frequent storms.

It is imperative that Fairfax County take strong steps to mitigate its carbon footprint and encourage Congress to consider common-sense, bipartisan proposals such as a carbon fee and dividend program that could stave off the worst effects of human-caused global warming. With the administration of President Donald Trump having abrogated its responsibility towards the country's citizens and the planet, it now falls to individuals and communities across the United States, as well as our representatives in Congress, to take charge of climate stewardship.

Juan Ramos
